Management Consultant

Office: Los Angeles

Nathan Cheung

Nathan Cheung is the Management Consultant at the California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC) where he tell stories of immigrants, and builds digital communities to enhance the reach of our actions, messages, and capacity building through approaching communications work with a liberatory and organizing lens.

Nathan brings intersectional experiences to his work at CIPC, having previously worked in labor, immigrant rights, and LGBTQ rights organizing. He has been an organizer with UAW 2865 successfully unionizing 17,000 graduate student workers, has taught immigrant activism and labor studies classes, and has also had academic work published in the AAG Review of Books and Latino Studies.

Nathan received his BA in Communication Studies and Music Industry from UCLA. He then obtained his MA in Latin American Studies at UCLA as well, focusing on immigration and migration theory, and music. He grew up in Hong Kong and currently does organizing as part of the diaspora, trying to build an international left voice rooted in collective liberation. He is also an artist who loves writing, singing, creating art, and creating spaces for folks where they can feel freedom and liberation. His favorite genre of music is reggaeton and he loves to perrear hasta abajo.