The California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC) upholds the humanity of immigrant communities in California by transforming systems to achieve racial, social, and economic justice.
For the past 25 years, CIPC has played a central and essential role in advancing a progressive statewide immigrant justice agenda. For the past 5 years, it helped pass 30 pro-immigrant laws in the state, including: The Safe and Responsible Driver Act, the TRUST Act, the One California initiative, the E-Verify Bill and the Health for All Kids among others — signature legislative accomplishments propelled by the organization’s ability to coordinate, convene and mobilize a broad and diverse array of advocates towards a common goal.
The California Immigrant Policy Center, formerly the California Immigrant Welfare Collaborative, was founded in 1996, as California reeled from the ugly aftermath of Proposition 187 and harsh federal copycats.
We also provide campaign and narrative support, capacity building, technical assistance, training and education on immigrant issues.