May 23, 2018
2018.5.23 – As a new blog post from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” project documents a troubling series of hate incidents observed at city council meetings where opposition to “Sanctuary” policies has been discussed, a series of recent court fillings underscores strong support statewide and nationally for the California Values Act and other pro-immigrant policies.
The post raises further questions about the role of FAIR, identified by the Center as a hate group, in orchestrating opposition to SB 54 from certain conservative jurisdictions in California. Such questions will remain front and center as disgraced former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio visits Orange County on Friday.
Meanwhile, with the first hearing in the Trump administration’s lawsuit against the CA Values Act and two other pro-immigrant laws weeks away, some of the largest and most influential local governments in the state – and nationwide – filed amicus or “friend-of-the-court” briefs late Friday in support of laws. Copies of the briefs, formally accepted by the judge this week, are available upon request. Notable filings include:
Additional filings came from 80 civil rights and immigrant rights groups; approximately 100 faith leaders, and two dozen law enforcement leaders from across the country. The first hearing in the lawsuit is scheduled for June 20th in Sacramento.
SB 54 and local “sanctuary” policies limit using local resources to help the Trump administration deport immigrant community members. The law guards against federal abuses of power and helps protect due process for everyone, including immigrants.