All Calfornians – regardless of their immigration status, income, race or ethnicity – deserve access to health care! Here you will find the resources and information you will need to access the health care benefits that are available to California families and individuals.
If you are looking for health coverage or you work for a community-based organization that serves Californians who are undocumented, these resources are for you! With our partners, we have compiled these resources to support outreach within communities and educate impacted populations to ensure proper enrollment in Medi-Cal to access vital health care benefits.
Can’t find what you need or do you have something you would like to share? Please contact: Carlos Alarcon, Health and Public Benefits Policy Analyst, at or Ana Álvarez, Campaign Organizer, at
We know that some Californians who are undocumented do not qualify for Medi-Cal due to their income. Our Health4All Coalition is now advocating for Covered California for broader coverage. If you are interested in joining our coalition, please reach out to Health and Public Benefits, Policy Director, Sarah Dar at
The Health4All Coalition is an ongoing effort co-chaired by the California Immigrant Policy Center and Health Access California to remove exclusions to health coverage and ensure all Californians can access care regardless of their immigration status, advanced by more than 150 organizations that make up the #Health4All coalition, and the many voices of impacted community members.