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Thank you to all those who shared your stories at #Immigrantday2022. Let’s keep the momentum going!
May 10, 2022
This year’s Immigrant Day of Action was again a great success!
We offer our heartfelt gratitude to you—our partners, sponsors and colleagues—who took the lead and centered equity and immigrant voices. Thank you for courageously sharing your stories, and joining us at Immigrant Day of Action 2022 to collectively advocate for an equitable California that works for everyone. Our longtime allies, Ernesto Rocha a.k.a. Undocubae, Bamby Salcedo, Betzabel Estudillo and Tam Ma set the tone for the day; we also learned from partners and community leaders about statewide efforts to create pathways for immigrant inclusion and racial justice, lessons from the frontlines of worker justice, and the importance of intersectionality within our movement.
Over 400 community members, constituents, advocates, friends, and allies participated in more than 50 legislative visits
to urge our elected representatives to support the Immigrant Equity Budget, as well as to support safer conditions for street vendors, California ID’s for all, stopping ICE transfers, and an alternate plea for drug convictions to minimize immigration consequences for our communities.
We are not done. It is time for our leadership to do more to prioritize marginalized immigrant communities long excluded from access to basic needs like health, food and economic security.
Let’s harness our collective power from #ImmigrantDay2022 and keep the momentum going for an inclusive California that honors everyone who lives here.