The Health4All Coalition celebrates the final expansion of Medi-Cal beginning in 2024, making California the first state in the nation to offer comprehensive benefits to all income-eligible residents, regardless of..Read More
The coalition sets its sights on the next major milestone for the Health4All Campaign: ending the exclusion of undocumented individuals from the Covered California health insurance marketplace. New legislation with..Read More
As a result of our campaign efforts supporting AB 4 (Arambula) and SB 56 (Durazo), California commits to ending the Medi-Cal exclusion of adults ages 26 to 49 due to..Read More
Following a record state budget surplus, the coalition wins Health4All Older Adults, Medi-Cal eligibility for undocumented Californians ages 50 and above.
Health4All Young Adults is implemented on 1/1/20. Governor Newsom includes the Health4All Seniors proposal for undocumented seniors ages 65 and older in his initial budget proposal but rescinds it after..Read More
Health4All Young Adults passes with Governor Gavin Newsom’s support, expanding Medi-Cal eligibility for undocumented immigrants ages 25 and younger, making California the first state to extent coverage to undocumented adults.
Two bills are introduced: SB 974 (Lara), to allow undocumented elders ages 65 and older to enroll in Medi-Cal, and AB 2965 (Arambula), to do so for young adults ages..Read More
Health4All Kids is implemented, leading to over 250,000 children (and counting) enrolled into Medi-Cal.
SB 75 (Lara), aka Health4All Kids, is signed into law, expanding Medi-Cal eligibility for all income-eligible minors ages 18 and younger in California, regardless of immigration status.
Health4All Legislation is introduced for the first time in California State Legislature.
Affordable Care Act is signed into law, expanding healthcare access for millions of Americans and non-citizens, while excluding undocumented immigrants.